Fire danger indices historical data from the Copernicus Emergency Management Service

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This data set provides complete historical reconstruction of meteorological conditions favorable to the start, spread and sustainability of fires. The fire danger metrics provided are part of a vast dataset produced by the Copernicus Emergency Management Service for the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS). The European Forest Fire Information System incorporates the fire danger indices for three different models developed in Canada, United States and Australia. In this dataset the fire danger indices are calculated using weather forecast from historical simulations provided by ECMWF ERA5 reanalysis.

ERA5 by combining model data and a vast set of quality controlled observations provides a globally complete and consistent data-set and is regarded as a good proxy for observed atmospheric conditions.

The selected data records in this data set are regularly extended with time as ERA5 forcing data become available. This dataset is produced by ECMWF in its role of the computational centre for fire danger forecast of the CEMS, on behalf of the Joint Research Centre which is the managing entity of the service.

Current version v4.0

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