Nursery Resignation Letter Template: How to Write a Professional Resignation Letter for Your Child’s Nursery

Letter sample 039

Leaving a job is always bittersweet, even more so if it is a position that you held close to your heart, such as in a nursery. However, sometimes circumstances arise where resignation is inevitable. If you are in the process of writing a resignation letter for your nursery job and don’t know where to begin, we have a solution for you. Our Nursery Resignation Letter Template is the perfect starting point for those looking to make a graceful exit. You can easily find examples online and edit them as needed to suit you in your unique situation. So, take a deep breath, relax, and let us guide you through the process of writing a nursery resignation letter that will say goodbye in the most professional and respectful way possible.

The Best Structure for a Nursery Resignation Letter Template

If you are a teacher or caregiver in a nursery and you have decided to resign from your position, it is important to create a resignation letter to inform your employer of your decision. A well-structured resignation letter not only provides closure, but also gives you the chance to leave on a positive note with your employer and colleagues. Here’s how you can structure your Nursery Resignation Letter Template:

Opening Paragraph
In your opening paragraph, be upfront and direct. Begin by stating your intention to resign from your position and the date that your resignation will be effective.

Middle Paragraphs
The middle paragraphs can be used to express your gratitude for the opportunity to work with the nursery, its staff and children. You can highlight your accomplishments, express your appreciation for the support you received during your tenure, and perhaps offer constructive feedback that you think will help the nursery going forward. Remember to keep your tone friendly and positive; after all, you want people to remember you fondly!

Closing Paragraph
In your final paragraph, reiterate your appreciation for your colleagues and the experience you have gained while working at the nursery. If you wish, you can offer to help with the transition process to your replacement or provide your contact details in case anyone has further questions or needs any assistance after you have left.

Closing Note
It’s always a good idea to end your letter with polite and respectful comments. Thank the nursery management for allowing you to care for their children and the wonderful experience you had during your time there. Let them know that you are proud to have been able to contribute to their success in some way and wish them all the best for the future.

Creating a well-structured resignation letter template for a nursery can be a difficult task, but with a little guidance, it is possible to make a professional and effective letter that you can feel proud of. Use the structure we have provided above as a framework for your own unique resignation letter, and tailor it to your own personal situation and needs. Good luck!

Nursery Resignation Letter Templates

Family Relocation

Dear [Nursery Supervisor’s Name],

I am writing to inform you that my family will be relocating to another city in two weeks, and as much as it pains me, I will have to resign from my role as a nursery teacher at your esteemed organization. It has been a wonderful time working with you and the team, and I have learned a lot as a teacher and as a person.

I will forever cherish the memories I have made here and will miss my colleagues and students. I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of your team and for allowing me to grow professionally and personally.

Thank you for everything, and I wish the nursery all the best in the future.

Medical Reasons

Dear [Nursery Supervisor’s Name],

It is with a heavy heart and much regret that I must resign from my position as a nursery teacher due to medical reasons. I have recently been diagnosed with a chronic illness that requires me to undergo treatment and recuperate both physically and mentally.

I take pride in the work I have done here, and I have deeply enjoyed my time working alongside fellow educators and serving the students. Unfortunately, due to the nature of my health, I am no longer able to give the children the level of care and attention they deserve.

Thank you for the support and understanding you have shown me during my tenure. I will always appreciate the opportunity to work and learn at [Nursery Name].

Career Advancement

Dear [Nursery Supervisor’s Name],

It has been an honor to work at [Nursery Name], but I must resign as a nursery teacher to seek new career opportunities. As much as I have enjoyed my time working here, I feel that it is time for me to explore different possibilities and challenge myself in new ways.

I am extremely grateful for the guidance and support you have offered throughout my time here, and I have learned invaluable lessons that will serve me well in my professional journey. Thank you for providing me with an incredible opportunity to grow as an educator and an individual.

It is my hope that our path crosses once again in the future, and I am confident that the nursery will continue to thrive under your leadership.

Pregnancy and Childcare

Dear [Nursery Supervisor’s Name],

I am writing to tender my resignation as a nursery teacher due to my recent pregnancy and the subsequent need to take time to care for my newborn. I have enjoyed my time at the nursery immensely, and it has been a pleasure to work alongside dedicated individuals who share my passion for education.

I regret leaving my fellow colleagues and the students whom I have formed genuine relationships with, but my family and I have come to this decision after much consideration. Please know that I will always cherish memories of working here and appreciate all the support you have extended to me during my time here.

I hope to keep in touch and remain connected to this wonderful community.

Moving Abroad

Dear [Nursery Supervisor’s Name],

I am writing to formally resign from my position as a nursery teacher at [Nursery Name]. My family and I are moving abroad shortly, and as much as it saddens me to end my time here, it is necessary for us to make this move.

I have had a blast working with the wonderful team of educators, and I have made great memories with the students. I will always treasure the experiences I have had here, and I am confident that the nursery will continue to provide quality education under your expert leadership.

Thank you for trusting me and giving me the opportunity to share my passion for teaching. It has been a privilege to have been part of this community.

Personal Reasons

Dear [Nursery Supervisor’s Name],

It is with a heavy heart that I write to inform you of my decision to resign as a nursery teacher, effective immediately. Unfortunately, due to personal reasons, I must put my career as an educator on hold and focus on addressing the issues in my personal life.

It has been an honor to have worked with such a passionate team of professionals, and I appreciate all the help and guidance that have allowed me to grow in my profession as a nursery teacher. Your support and understanding during my time here have been invaluable, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have contributed to the nursery’s mission of delivering exceptional education.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this challenging time. I will always cherish the memories made here and hope to stay in touch.


Dear [Nursery Supervisor’s Name],

It is with mixed feelings that after a considerable amount of time at [Nursery Name], I inform you of my retirement as a nursery teacher from this institution. I am proud to have been part of making a meaningful impact in the lives of young children, their families, and fellow educators.

The nursery has given me unforgettable memories of joy, learning, and self-improvement, and I feel a deep connection with its mission and values. However, as a senior educator, it has become necessary for me to step down and exit a wonderful era of my life.

I appreciate the confidence and support I have received from you and fellow teachers in all my endeavors, and I am grateful for the opportunities that have challenged me to grow personally and professionally. I will miss this place and the people who have made it my second home so much.

Thank you for all your guidance, trust, and respect over the years.

Tips for Writing a Nursery Resignation Letter Template

When resigning from a nursery position, it’s important to do so in a professional and respectful manner. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when writing a nursery resignation letter template:

By following these tips, you can ensure that your nursery resignation letter template is professional, respectful, and helpful in making a smooth transition for all parties involved.

Frequently Asked Questions about Nursery Resignation Letter Template

What is a Nursery Resignation Letter Template?

A Nursery Resignation Letter Template is a pre-written letter that helps parents or guardians to notify their child’s nursery or daycare center that they intend to resign their child’s enrollment.

When should I use a Nursery Resignation Letter Template?

You should use a Nursery Resignation Letter Template when you want to resign your child’s enrollment before the agreed-upon end date with the nursery or daycare.

What information should I include in a Nursery Resignation Letter?

Your Nursery Resignation Letter should include your child’s name, your name, the name and address of the nursery, the date of resignation, and the reason for leaving.

Can I customize a Nursery Resignation Letter Template?

Yes, a Nursery Resignation Letter Template is customizable. You can add or remove information as needed, depending on your situation.

Do I have to give a reason for resigning my child’s enrollment in the nursery?

No, you do not have to give a reason for resigning your child’s enrollment in the nursery. However, it can be helpful to do so to provide feedback to the nursery about your experience and to help them improve their services.

How do I deliver my Nursery Resignation Letter?

You can deliver your Nursery Resignation Letter by hand, by email, or by post. It is recommended that you inform the nursery in person and provide a written copy of the resignation letter for their records.

What happens after I submit my Nursery Resignation Letter?

After you submit your Nursery Resignation Letter, the nursery will update their records and prepare to end your child’s enrollment. They may also request feedback from you about your experience and ask for your cooperation in completing any necessary paperwork.

Thanks for Reading!

I hope this Nursery Resignation Letter Template helps you in your journey towards a new and exciting career path. Remember, resigning from a job can be tough, but it’s important to always put yourself first. If you ever need any more resources or support, be sure to come back to our website! We’ll be here to guide you every step of the way. And who knows, maybe we’ll have some new, even more exciting templates for you to explore next time. Good luck on your next adventure!